let´s learn english!

let´s learn english!

lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017


Nos encanta cooperar e interactuar! Y a través de un juego hemos aprendido a escribir postales.Qué cerca está el verano!


Desde el departamento de inglés también contribuimos al proyecto de las 3 RRR concienciando a nuestro alumnado de la importancia de Reducir,Reutilizar y Reciclar.(Reduce,Reuse and Recycle)

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

English Games in the Playground

                                            ENGLISH IS FUN!!!
This week we learned English playing games :
     What´s the time Mr Wolf?
     Grandma´s footstep
      Duck, duck ,GOOSE.
      Clapping games
      Skipping rope games...
We spent a very nice time....We can practise in the break time....

Esta semana hemos aprendido inglés con juegos muy divertidos en el patio. Nos lo hemos pasado super bien....Ahora podemos practicar en los recreos....

                                                     What´s the time Mr Wolf?

                                                  Duck, duck, GOOSE...

                                                                Grandma´s footstep
                                                                  Charlie is great...

                                                         Skipping rope....

                                                                  Clapping games


viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017


In 1990, a woman named Joanne Rowling was sitting on a train from Manchester to london when she had an idea. That´s it!!, she thought. Harry Potter!!. And that was the start of harry potter, one of the most famous and successfull children´s series in the world.

The UK has got a long history of fantasy literature with books like The Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings.In the Harry Potter series, the reader follows the story of its main character, Harry Potter who is a young wizard living in a magical world. Harry has to fight evil forces to save his friends and family and he uses magic to help him.
 The Harry Potter stories are very good, but beyond the books themselves, the story of their success is also very interesting. These days there are translations of Harry Potter in 73 languages, and the series is worth more than $15 billion. Its popularity all over the world shows that even in the 21st Centurypeople continue to appreciate stories about magic and fantasy. This, as well as the exciting stories themselves, explains Harry Potter´s amazing success!!

martes, 9 de mayo de 2017


Hello!! My name is Ian and i´m in England!! For breakfast I have cereal, toast with butter and honey and some orange juice.
For lunch, or for dinner I can fish and chips. Fish and chips is popular in the United Kingdom.
It isn´t sweet. It´s savoury and you can have it with peas and some lemon juice.
You can have fish and chips in fish and chip shops.
London and Manchester have the first fish and chips shops. Today there are a lot of them in the United Kingdom.
You can use a knife or a fork to eat fish and chips and you can also eat it with your hands!

Do you like fish? What do you normally have fish with?

- Write the names in english : cuchillo, cuchara, tenedor, servilleta,vaso y plato.

-Answer the questions:
.what type of fish do you normally have in a fish and chip shop in the United Kingdom?
.How many fish and chip shops are there in the United Kingdom?
.Are there any fish and chip shops in the United states of America?

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017


El alumnado de 6*curso, como colofòn a su etapa de Primaria, ha estado elaborando durante casi 2 meses una serie de trabajos sobre Londres (y Reino Unido), donde a través de diversos "topics" han tenido oportunidad de investigar, consensuar y trabajar con material relacionado con el tema que le había correspondido.Entre otros, temas como :Ocio y tiempo libre, alojamiento, viajes, gente famosa,lugares famosos, deportes...y, como resultado, unos trabajos increìbles que hemos juntado en una exposiciòn, a la que hemos invitado a todos nuestros compañer@s de Primaria(de 2* a 5*).
Nos ha hecho mucha ilusiòn poder explicarles nuestros trabajos y que se fotografiasen con ellos.Muchas gracias a tod@s por su visita y a las teachers Isolina y Charlie por acompañarles.
Y a mi, solo me queda decir: Buen trabajo, chic@s!! Muy orgullosa de vosotr@s! (teacher Lupe)