let´s learn english!

let´s learn english!

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019


En este post, los chicos y chicas de sexto curso podéis dejar un mensaje presentándoos, tal como lo hemos hecho en clase. Ánimo!!

9 comentarios:

  1. My name is laura.
    My hair is long.
    My favourite singer is Nirvana. I love drain you.
    I can´t do spagart.
    I have got a dog and a cat.
    I like pasta.

  2. hello!
    My name is Eva 6A.
    i´m eleven years old.
    My hair is straigh and brown.
    My favourite colour is yellow.
    My favourite group is Nirvana.
    I have a dog and a cat.
    My favourite food is coliflower and espinach.
    I have two sisters : a baby and a my twin.
    Their name´s are Ángela and Laura.

  3. hello!
    My name is Eva 6A.
    i´m eleven years old.
    My hair is straigh and brown.
    My favourite colour is yellow.
    My favourite group is Nirvana.
    I have a dog and a cat.
    My favourite food is coliflower and espinach.
    I have two sisters : a baby and a my twin.
    Their name´s are Ángela and Laura.

  4. My name is Olga.
    My hair is brown.
    I like pasta.I've got one dog.
    I can't do gymnastycs.
    Olga 6A.

  5. My name Paula.
    My hair is long.
    My favorite group is Fito y Fitipaldis.
    I can,t do espagat.
    I like chips.
    I have a dog and two cats.

  6. My name is Adrian
    My hair is short
    My favourite singer is Bad Bunny
    I can rollerblade
    I have got 2 dogs
    I like pasta

  7. Hello
    My name is Emma 6A.
    I´m ten years old
    my hair is long
    my favourite singer is ariana grande
    I have a two cat
    My favourite food is pasta (Emma 6ºA)
